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Initiative for innovative integrated interventions in Miskolc, Kezdeményezés az innovatív integrált beavatkozásokért Miskolcon


Initiative for innovative integrated interventions in Miskolc


General information

Title of the project

Initiative for innovative integrated interventions in Miskolc

(Kezdeményezés az innovatív integrált beavatkozásokért Miskolcon – 4IM)

Supported by

European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Number of the grant contract


Start date of the project



30 months

(11.2021 – 06.2024)

Amount of aid granted to the project

762.280,20 EUR 

Amount of aid granted to the University of Miskolc

17.850,3 EUR

Head of consortium

The Municipality of the City of Miskolc

Additional consortium partners


HÁRFA Alapítvány,

Abaújrakezdés Egyesület,

AEIDL (Brussels),

dr. Ámbédkar Iskola,

Dialóg Egyesület

Website of the project

Short summary

The 4IM aims to jointly develop an action plan to promote the integration of deprived neighbourhoods through a complementary two-pronged approach:

  • Developing local governance mechanisms, local coordination and broad partnership to underpin a successful integration process.
  • Piloting a new integrated care and service delivery model for vulnerable individuals and households in two disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Miskolc, Bábonyibérc and Tetemvár.

The intended outcome is that the project will develop and implement an extensible model of integrated service delivery, ensuring targeted coordination of social and employment services

More than 80% of participants:

  • Participate in employment, training or other activation activities if they are assessed as ready for labour market participation at the start of the intervention; or
  • Other services are brought closer to them to help them integrate
  • The new service system will be scalable to the whole city, adoptable in Kassa and replicable in other cities in Hungary and Europe
  • Economic and living conditions in the two pilot districts will improve and residents will become aware that they can take action to improve their conditions
  • Inter-organisational and inter-personal relationships are strengthened, enabling the partners to continue implementing the approach after the project is completed
  • Miskolc is embedded in a network of similar urban initiatives.
EN-Funded by the EU-PANTONE