He was born in 1974 in Sárospatak.
He started his career as a teacher (for a short time he teached in Megyaszó), became a history teacher, and in 1999 he started studying law at the University of Miskolc. He graduated as a lawyer in 2004.
He studied data protection law at the University of Miskolc between 2018-2020 and also studied election consultancy at the National University of Public Service between 2019-2020. In 2022, he graduated from the National University of Public Service with a degree in integrity consultancy. He is currently studying labour law at the University of Pécs.
Between 1997-2002, he was a salesman, business manager and finally branch manager at Allianz Hungária Biztosító Ltd.
From 2002 for a decade, he was a notary and district notary in Olaszliszka, Makkoshotyka and Vámosújfalu (settlements near his hometown). Between 2012-2020 he was deputy notary and then notary of the Mayor’s Office of Sátoraljaújhely.
From 2021, he held the positions of Legal and Equal Opportunities Officer, Integrity Advisor, Data Protection Officer at the Sárospatak School District Centre.
He was a lecturer at the Comenius Teacher Training College of the University of Miskolc, at the István V. Catholic Secondary and High School, and at the St. Margaret of Árpád House Primary School and Kindergarten.
Between 2001 and 2011 he was president of the Sárospatak Housing Cooperative, between 2015 and 2020 he was a lay judge of the District of the Reformed Church of the Tisza Region, and since 2023 is a reserve lieutenant of the Hungarian Defence Forces.