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For students with young children, a family-friendly room is available in rooms 35-36 on the mezzanine level of building A/1. 
The room is equipped with a sofa bed, a changing table, a washbasin and a separate toilet, as well as a range of accessories for the care of young children. 
Requests for the use of the room should be sent to Dr. Gábor Mélypataki, the Equal Opportunities Officer of the University of Miskolc, at, after which the key can be picked up at the dispatch desk opposite to the former gift shop on weekends and Friday afternoons, or during working hours in room 22 of the mezzanine level of building A/1, at Klára Morvainé Ár. 

Family friendly room
bldg., room 35-36.
Családbarát szoba
Családbarát szoba