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Research databases

EISZ – Cambridge University Press Journals

Accessible from the University of Miskolc computers. Cambridge University Press is the academic publisher of one of the world’s leading universities. The full-text multidisciplinary journal database is outstanding, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, but also includes representation from the natural sciences and engineering. Almost 2 million full-text articles are available in more than 400 scientific journals. From 2023, all subscribing institutions will have access to the Full Collection package.

EISZ – De Gruyter eJournals

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. In addition to 350 online journals, De Gruyter provides access to a further 106 open access journals. The multidisciplinary journal suite offers full-text access to studies from 1995 to the present.

EISZ – Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. Hungarian search interface. The multidisciplinary database provides full-text access to scientific articles from 8800 journals, often including the latest issues.

EISZ – Legal Source (EBSCO)

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. The EBSCO law database provides access to the full text of hundreds of journals.

EISZ – HeinOnline International Core

Accessible from the University of Miskolc computers. A currents and historical database of legal documents in English. The HeinOnline International Core package, available as part of the EISZ subscription, provides access to the following collections.

EISZ – JSTOR (Full Access Modell)

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. The JSTOR full-text database contains the full text of more than 2800 journals, among many other disciplines, mainly in the humanities and social sciences. The database provides archive content, the latest 2-5 years of journals are not available.

EISZ – MathSciNet (EBSCO database)

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. The American Mathematical Society’s mathematics database is searchable in 3.2 million bibliographic records of more than 1800 journals. Available as a database of the EBSCO section!

EISZ – Oxford University Press Journals – Law Collection

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. OUP is the scientific publisher of one of the world’s leading universities. Its full-text journal database contains academic journals in the field of law from 1996 onwards.

EISZ – ProQuest Central

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. A full-text multidisciplinary database with 47 stand-alone databases, processing 12,000 full-text curricular periodicals in business, medicine, social sciences, humanities, education, science and technology, and interdisciplinary fields. In addition to scientific journals, it also offers professional journals, journals, workshop papers, doctoral theses, videos and other documents from the 1970s to the present.

EISZ – ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. Collection of bibliographies and full-text databases in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, materials science and computer science. The full-text content includes thousands of journals, conference proceedings and other types of documents, while discipline-specific bibliographies (Metadex, ASFA, Medline, Toxline, Agricola, etc.) help to refine your search.

EISZ – Science Direct (Elsevier)

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. Elsevier’s full-text multidisciplinary database provides access to the texts of the most respected scientific journals. The content is primarily prominent in the fields of engineering, natural sciences and medicine, but social sciences and other disciplines are also represented. The database contains nearly 2500 peer-reviewed journals.

ESIZ – SciVal (Elsevier)

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. Elsevier’s full-text multidisciplinary database provides access to the texts of the most respected scientific journals. The content is primarily prominent in the fields of engineering, natural sciences and medicine, but social sciences and other disciplines are also represented. The database contains nearly 2500 peer-reviewed journals.

ESIZ – SciVal (Elsevier)

Accessible from the University of Miskolc computers. Elsevier’s science metrics analytics application, which helps analyse the performance of researchers, research teams and institutions, identify institutional strengths, explore research topics and develop international collaborations.

EISZ – Scopus (Elsevier)

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. Elsevier’s reference bibliographic database covers the most important journals, books and conference proceedings in all disciplines. It is mainly used for metrics research and literature search. It can be used to find references to individual researchers and to identify the position of research groups and institutions in the international scientific world.

EISZ – Springer Journals

Accessible from the University of Miskolc computers. Springer Nature’s full-text multidisciplinary database contains 9 million papers from 1997 to the present. The content is primarily prominent in the fields of engineering, natural sciences and medicine, but social sciences and other disciplines are also represented.

EISZ – Ulrichsweb

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. Ulrichsweb is one of the best-known databases of basic data from journals and series. It is the most important starting point for information about periodicals. Its aim is to present the most typical information on the various periodicals in a single descriptive framework. It not only includes academic and scientific journals, but also draws content from a wide range of periodicals. You can search magazines, newspapers, serial publications and scientific journals together. The database can be searched for both print and electronic publications, with currently over 300,000 periodicals descriptions.

EISZ – USC SOÁ Foundation – Visual History Archive

Accessible from University of Miskolc computers. The USC SOÁ Foundation’s Visual History Archive contains over 55,000 video interviews with genocide survivors and witnesses. The interviews were recorded in 41 languages in 62 countries. The database contains 1,335 interviews in Hungarian and thousands of other Hungarian-language interviews with Hungarian experiences of the Holocaust in other languages. It also includes special material on the Rwandan, Guatemalan and Armenian genocides and the Nanking massacre in China.

EISZ – Web of Science Core Collection

Accessible from the University of Miskolc machines. Clarivate Analytics’ reference search bibliographic database processes the most important journals, books and conference proceedings in all disciplines. It is primarily used for science metrics research and literature searching. It can be used to find references to specific researchers and to identify the position of research groups and institutions in the international scientific world.

Journal Citation Reports – Impact factor data 2010–2012

Available from the computers of the University of Miskolc.

WBIS – Biographical world encyclopaedia (Életrajzi világ lexikon)

Available from the University of Miskolc Library.