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The competence area includes the optimisation of production and service processes focusing on the integrated solution of layout planning, routing, loading, warehousing and scheduling problems.


  • Optimisation of in-plant and external supply chain solutions
  • Optimisation of complex logistics systems


  • Optimisation of in-plant and external supply chain solutions

  • Supply chain analysis and optimisation


  • Software for optimisation (Plant Simulation, MATLAB)

  • 12 workstations


  • Analysis of assembly workstations from inventory, storage and loading point of view for Bosch Rexroth
  • Analysis and improvement of Kanban procurement logistics for Fisher-Rosemount
  • Improvement of production and logistics systems for Miskolci Vasipari Acélszerkezetgyártó
  • Inventory analysis for REMAT
  • Optimisation of international transportation routes based on cooperation opportunities with logistics centres for Horváth Rudolf Intertransport

Corporate contact

Zsolt István
Head of Department
bldg., Entrance 2.
For companies

Webpage of FIEK Research Institute

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