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We can provide support for technological process planning of metal forming processes based on numerical and physical modelling. We carry out complex investigation of problems in metal forming technologies and seek out solutions for forming problems in automotive industry companies.


  • Computer aided Process and Die Design Planning with dedicated software
  • Numerical modelling investigation of formability problems
  • Determination of formability parameters based on the physical measuring


  • Complex technology and die design in sheet metal forming (AutoForm R8)
  • Investigation of formability problems in virtual environment (with dedicated software)
  • Determination of material parameters of formability with physical experiments (Nakazima test)
  • Training in AutoForm and DEFORM applications
  • Strain measurement with digital image correlation technique (Vialux-AutoGrid), 3D scanning


  • PYE-63 double action hydraulic press
  • DKS-40 and DKS-25 mechanical presses
  • Universal sheet metal physical investigation system
  • Vialux-AutoGrid optical strain measurement system


  • LoCoMaTech H2020 project
    Low Cost Materials Processing Technologies for Mass Production of Lightweight Vehicles (
  • Development of producing of aluminium aerosol cans
    Mátrametál Kft.
  • AutoForm training courses for automotive industry partners
    Audi Hungária Zrt., Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft., Hajdu Autotechnika Zrt.

Corporate contact

Zsolt István
Head of Department
bldg., Entrance 2.
For companies

Webpage of FIEK Research Institute

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