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Innovative Mechanical Engineering

Numerical modelling and simulation

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The simulation, numerical analysis and finite element modelling of mechanical problems occurring in the development of engineering structures and equipment is a crucial task for today’s engineers. Using modern computer simulation and numerical modelling environments, remarkable savings can appear. We offer educational and research capacity and know-how in this ever more popular field based on decades of experience in higher education and cooperation with industry.


  • Strength analysis, finite element modelling and simulation
  • Dynamic analysis, finite element modelling and simulation
  • Numerical modelling and simulation of multi-field problems
  • Numerical modelling and simulation of multi-body systems


  • Strength analysis of engineering structures and equipment
  • Dynamic analysis of engineering structures and equipment
  • Finite element modelling and simulation of multi-field problems
  • Numerical simulation of multi-body problems


  • Numerical simulation environment on a high capacity workstation
  • Abaqus Simulation System Educational/Research license
  • Altair Hyperworks/Hypermesh Simulation System Educational/Research license
  • SciLab Mathematical Simulation Program


  • MOL Nyrt.
    Numerical simulation of geomechanical behaviour of non-convectional reservoir, finite element modelling of hydraulic fracture propagation
  • Mátrai Erőmű Zrt.
    Strength analysis of bucket ladder excavator, development of new bucket using finite element modelling and simulation
  • DKG EAST Olaj- és Gázipari Berendezéseket Gyártó Zrt.
    Strength and deformation analysis of industry size ball pivot with finite element method
  • Mátrametál Kft.
    Computer aided modelling and finite element analysis of development of aerosol cans

Corporate contact

Zsolt István
Head of Department
bldg., Entrance 2.
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