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Advanced Materials and Technologies

Molecular design for achieving spectral properties

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Characterisation of chemical systems can be achieved using spectroscopies. In cases when the spectroscopic properties of a chemical species cannot be measured for technical reasons its spectral properties can be calculated and predicted. Due to the robustness of quantum chemical calculations, the calculated spectrum is suitable for structural identification and for predicting the spectral properties of molecules.


Identifying predictable spectra properties: 

  • Gas-phase microwave spectra 
  • IR-, Raman-, UV/Vis-, VCD –spectra 


  • High-precision prediction of thermodynamic parameters of multicomponent systems
  • Identifying principles of possible measurements 


  • Gaussian software packages 
  • AMS software packages 
  • Dalton software packages 
  • ORCA softwar 


  • Femtonics Kft.
    Theoretical design of highly efficient two-photon caging of neurotransmitter for neurobiological application
  • BorsodChem Zrt.
    Exploring main and byproduct formation reaction pathways for MDI and TDI products. Characterisation of online measurable spectral propertiesfor the important intermediates, main and by-products.

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