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Additive technologies are playing an increasingly important role in shaping today’s industry. The technology requires a newdesign approach: a drastic rethink of design methods, a radical transformation of the design process. The possibilities offeredby the generative design process can be used to create ultra-light, sufficiently rigid structures for, for example, aerospace,automotive and toolmaking use. The centre follows the processes of raw material productionproduct design – prototype or series production controlquality checking, including the training of specialists. 


  • Production and development of additive production materials and metal powders 
  • Development of parts and products in terms of AM (Additive Manufacturing), optimization in terms of topology and printing 
  • Software conversion between designed parts and digital prototype products for additive production 
  • Printing of designed parts and products 
  • Post-manufacturing 
  • Examination of manufactured parts and products (material testing, structural testing, residual stress, anisotropy, CT, functional tests) 


  • Prototyping, 3D printing 
  • Production and testing of metal powders suitable for printing 
  • Examination of the properties of prototype products 


  • Orlas Creator RA 3D laser metal printing equipment 
  • ATO Lab metal powder production equipment 
  • CTX Alpha 500 SINUMERIK 840D CNC turning center 
  • DMU 40 HEIDENHAIN iTNC530 CNC milling center 

Corporate contact

Zsolt István
Head of Department
bldg., Entrance 2.
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