The main activity of CEEPUS are networks of eligible universities of the CEEPUS member states operating joint programmes. Within these networks CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers at eligible universities.
Objectives of the programme
- exchange of students and teachers
- organisation of summer schools, intensive language and professional courses
- organisation of professional study excursions for students
- joint degree programmes
Eligible countries
- Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The Universities of Pristina, Prizren, Peja et al. are also participating.
Central management
- Central Ceepus Office seated in Vienna, Austria
- National Ceepus Offices in the participating countries
Study/teaching grants are covered by the governments of the participating countries and paid to the grant holders by the receiving institutions.