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Pannónia Ösztöndíjprogram
Scholarship for fee-paying students

Scholarship For Freshmen

International Freshmen Scholarship Programme

International Freshmen Scholarship Programme

Eligibility criteria

  • applicants must hold citizenship other than Hungarian, 
  • applicants must have submitted a fully completed application to one of the UM study programmes (BSc, MSc, PhD) directly via the DreamApply application platform. 

Amount of the scholarship

30% of the paid tuition fee. 

Application procedure

  • Applicants submit their scholarship application via the DreamApply platform of the University of Miskolc as part of the university application.
  • Applicants upload the following documents during the university application:
    • school leaving exam certificate/degree and transcripts of records, 
    • IFSP Motivation Letter, which details how the academic and research activities of the applicant as a UM student will contribute to enhancing the reputation of the university, and how the applicant as a UM student plans to support recruitment and internationalization activities of the university in their home countries. 
  • While filling in the university application form, select the following option in the IFSP scholarship section:
    “Yes, I  hereby submit  my application for the International Freshmen Scholarship Programme. I acknowledge that I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of the International Freshmen Scholarship Programme.”

Evaluation procedure

  • Applications are evaluated by faculty admission committees based on the applicant’s entrance examination scores and submitted application documents. 
  • A minimum of 80 points are obligatory out of the maximum of 100 for a successful scholarship application. 
  • Applicants are informed about the result of their scholarship application alongside the result of their university admission in the Conditional Letter of Admission document.

Terms and conditions of transferring the scholarship 

The Scholarship holder 
  • may not receive any other scholarship from the University of Miskolc in the relevant semester,  
  • transfers the full amount of the tuition fee for the relevant semester by the specified deadline, 
  • has an active student status, 
  • registrates in person at the beginning of each academic semester, 
  • accepts and signs of the scholarship agreement, which includes the terms and conditions of the Call, 
  • has a bank account opened under his/her name at a financial institution based in Hungary, 
  • understands that the scholarship programme is introduced in the 2024/2025 academic year. Accordingly, the scholarship programme is not available to students who have been admitted to the university previously, 
  • understands that in case his/her student status is terminated or interrupted by a passive semester, the student is not eligible for the scholarship, 
  • understands that the scholarship is transferred to the scholarship holder’s bank account until the last day of the exam period of the relevant semester in the currency of the tuition fee payment. 

The applicant may submit an appeal against the decision regarding the scholarship to the Vice-Rector for Education within 15 days of being notified. The appeal cannot contest the evaluation of academic performance.