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How much do the study programmes of the University of Miskolc cost?

In general, the price of study programmes at the University of Miskolc is between EUR 2,000 and EUR 4,000 per semester. You can find the specific amount of the tuition fee on the webpage of the programme you have chosen.

Do I have to pay for the application process?

Yes, an application fee of EUR 150 must be paid during the application process. It is necessary to transfer the amount to the bank account of the University of Miskolc and upload the transfer receipt to the application interface. Applications will only be accepted if the payment of the application fee is confirmed by the financial department of the university.

Bank details of the University of Miskolc

University of Miskolc / Miskolci Egyetem

  • HU23 1176 3347 8535 9888 0000 0000

OTP Bank Nyrt. 
H-3530, Miskolc, Uitz Béla u. 6.

Swift code
  • Please include your name, date of birth, and either ‘application fee’ or ‘tuition and accommodation fee’. If you are a new student starting your studies, please also provide your DreamApply ID. If you are a senior student, please include your Neptun code.
Does the University of Miskolc accept credit card payments?

According to the current regulations, the University of Miskolc does not accept credit card payments. 

Is there a separate cost for the entrance exam?

For most of our study programmes, the entrance exam is free. An exception is the International Welding Engineer programme, where the entrance exam costs EUR 610.  

How much does the dormitory cost for one semester?

The provisional accommodation fee is 600 EUR/semester. 

When and where do I have to pay tuition and dormitory fees?

Tuition and dormitory fees must be paid by bank transfer in all cases. For first-year students, the tuition fee must be paid as soon as possible after receiving the Conditional Letter of Admission, and the accommodation fee must be paid before arrival in Hungary. Seniors must pay tuition and dormitory fees before the start of the semester in any case. 

Data required for bank transfer

University of Miskolc / Miskolc University 
  • HU15-10102718-51382100-01005004 

MBH Bank Nyrt.

H-3530, Miskolc, Széchenyi István út 46. 

Swift code
  • Please include your name, birthdate, and either ‘application fee’ or ‘tuition and accommodation fee’. 
What happens to the tuition and accommodation fees I paid if I postpone the start of my studies?

In case of postponement, the paid tuition fee can be transferred to the semester in which you plan to start your studies. However, the accommodation fee is not refundable, so it cannot be transferred to another semester either. If you postpone the start of your studies, you must pay the accommodation fee again for the relevant semester. 

Does the University of Miskolc have a refund policy?

The tuition fee is non-refundable, except in the following instances: 

  • When a student is forced to stop studying for health reasons confirmed by a medical certificate, or for any important and documented unforeseen reasons, 
  • When a student’s visa is rejected 

Refunds will not be approved where no special circumstances exist. A lack of knowledge or understanding of administrative requirements or deadlines is not considered to be special circumstances beyond a person’s control. 

The application fee and accommodation fee are non-refundable! 

List of necessary documents which have to be submitted to start the refund procedure
  • Appropriate document with justification (e.g. visa refusal letter, doctor’s statement etc.)
  • The student’s official request of refunding the tuition fee (official e-mail)
  • The following bank account details:
    • Name of the bank
    • Address of the bank
    • Branch code (A branch code may refer to a unique number that helps identify a specific bank branch)
    • Bank account holder name
    • Bank account number
    • Country
    • Postal code
    • City
    • Street
    • IBAN
    • Swift code
  • Each refund has to be justified. If no special circumstances exist, the University of Miskolc has the right to reject to refund the tuition fee. 
  • If during the visa procedure it is discovered and proved that the student submitted false or invalid documents in order to obtain the visa and misled the university and the Hungarian authorities, the University of Miskolc reserves the right to refuse to refund the tuition fee. 
  • The refund procedure starts after the student submits his refund request to the University of Miskolc in an official e-mail. 
  • The refund is an international transaction. In some cases, the entire procedure and crediting of the refunded amount can take up to 2-3 months. 
  • The handling costs of the refund transaction are deducted from the returned amount.