Cross-Border Network of Energy Sustainable Universities (HUSKROAUA/1702/6.1/0075)
Title of the project
Cross-Border Network of Energy Sustainable Universities (NET4SENERGY)
Supported by
ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 “Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine”
Code of tender
Start date of the project
End date of the project
27 months
Amount of aid granted to the project
293 803,23 EUR
Amount of aid granted to the University of Miskolc
34069,73 EUR
Head of consortium
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ukraine)
Additional consortium partners
Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia),
University of Miskolc (Hungary),
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare (Romania)
Website of the project
The Net4SENERGY project aims to turn key universities in the HU-SK-RO-UA region into research centres for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to promote sustainable development in the region through mutual cooperation, support and exchange of experience. The universities participating in the project, which are major energy consumers, aim to reduce their energy consumption and CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030, promote the use of renewable energy sources and proactively share their experiences and results with key stakeholders in the region (public authorities, municipalities, companies and individuals). The project will launch a regional initiative for public institutions to improve their own energy efficiency and use renewable energy sources. The project targets: staff, teachers and students of higher education institutions; regional stakeholders – public authorities, municipalities and SMEs; domestic energy consumers.