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Building an integrated social-user data collection system to monitor soil moisture changes and support reasonable soil management (690199)


Building an integrated social-user data collection system to monitor soil moisture changes and support reasonable soil management (690199)

General information

Title of the project

GROW – Building an integrated social-user data collection system to monitor soil moisture changes and support reasonable soil management (690199)

(Integrált, társadalmi-felhasználói adatgyűjtési rendszer kiépítése a talajnedvesség változásának monitoringjára és az okszerű talajhasználat támogatására)

Supported by

Horizon 2020

Code of tender


Number of the grant contract


Start date of the project



36 months

End of reservation period


Amount of aid granted to the project

5 777 597,5 EUR

Amount of aid granted to the University of Miskolc

109 579,75 EUR

Head of consortium

University of Dundee, UK

Additional consortium partners

Internationales Institut fuer Angewandte Systemanalyse, Austria;

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, Italy;

MET Office, UK;

Hydrologic Research BV, Netherlands;

Starlab Barcelona SL, Spain;

Futureeverything CIC, UK;

Ecolise, Belgium;

WeCreate Workspace Ltd, Ireland;

Culturepolis, Greece;

Parrot SA, France;

The James Hutton Institute, UK;

Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria;

Thingful Limited, UK;

Institut D’Arquitectura Avancada de Catalunya, Spain;

Storythings, UK;

Miskolci Egyetem;

The Forest Trust, UK

Website of the project

Short summary

The GROW project aims to build a soil moisture monitoring system with high spatial and temporal resolution based on citizen data collection. The project was implemented in cooperation with a consortium of 18 members, with the University of Miskolc as a partner.

The project aimed to build a soil moisture monitoring system with high spatial and temporal resolution, based on citizen-user data collection, which can provide data for the optimal timing and execution of soil and water management and planning tasks, and to support the calibration tasks of remote sensing-based soil moisture measurement methods. The main objective was to promote the conscious, sustainable and responsible use of soil and water and to raise awareness of the role of soil and water in society. The project sought to create a broad social base through the dissemination of low-cost soil testing tools and methods, resulting in a high-density data collection network. The data collected can be extended using digital mapping methods and will provide a freely accessible database to support small farmers in making smart production decisions. This data can of course be used to develop a range of services and applications, which, together with other data sources, can form the basis of a self-sustaining public data and information system.

The professional implementation of the project came to an end at the end of 2019, but the cooperation and the dissemination of results and research continued actively at the Institute of Geography of the University of Miskolc.

Videos related to the competition are available here:
