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Logistic support system for flood crisis management in the Hernád/Hornád catchment (SKHU/1601/4.1/187)


Logistic support system for flood crisis management in the Hernád/Hornád catchment


General information

Title of the project

Logistic support system for flood crisis management in the Hernád/Hornád catchment

Supported by


Code of tender


Start date of the project




Amount of aid granted to the project

450.160,90 EUR

Head of consortium

University of Miskolc

Additional consortium partners

University of Miskolc (as lead partner),

Technická univerzita v Košiciach (TUKE),

Vysoká škola bezpeènostného manažérstva v Košiciach (VSBM),

Holocén Nature Conservation Association,

BAZ County Disaster Management Directorate (BAZMKI)

Short summary

The aim of the project is to support the disaster management authorities of B-A-Z and Kosice county and to improve the efficiency of their activities in case of flooding by the development of a demonstrative GIS tool. The project includes flood modelling to predict the size and location of the flooded area, the analysis of effects of floods on the natural and human environment, the optimization and planning of logistic tasks, and the handling of public health and epidemic effects of floods. The target area is the catchment area of Hernád/Hornád river. Due to the cross-border nature of disasters, the project objectives could be achieved more efficiently by the framework of a Hungarian-Slovakian joint cooperation. The results of the project will ensure prompt data and information to support the decision making of disaster management authorities, and provide a potentially secure environment for the inhabitants and enterprises. 

To achieve these aims, an integrated, multi-purpose GIS database will be developed, including all data necessary for flood modelling, the spatial data layers of key objects, buildings, infrastructural elements, available equipment and resources in sufficient detail. The flood modelling tool – on the basis of GIS database – will be capable to predict the extent of flooded area occurred by a potential dam failure. On the basis of the database and outputs of flood modelling, a logistical modelling tool will be developed to optimize and plan the logistics tasks and activities (e.g. transportation, evacuation). An EIA and a disaster-medicine protocol will be elaborated as well to manage better the public health and epidemic effects of floods. 

The entire decision support tool will be capable to provide up to date information for the disaster management authorities to make better decisions. The project objectives are in line with 2000/60/EC directive, establishing a framework for community action in the field of water policy (3), (23), Article 1).